

American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, "Anesthesia Awareness Fact Sheet."

"Anesthesia Awareness Fact Sheet."

Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Newsletter, Volume 1, No. 2, Weihrer, Carol, My Personal Interactions with the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2000

, , Volume 1, No. 2, Weihrer, Carol, , Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2000

------, Newsletter, Volume 1, Nos. 3-5, Interview with A. J. Hill (anesthesiologist), Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2000

------, Newsletter, Volume 1, No. 7, Interview with Joseph Annibali, M.D. (psychiatrist), Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2000

------, Newsletter, Volume 1, No. 7, Strong Response Elicited From Suggestion in Last Edition About National Practitioner Data Base, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2000

------, Newsletter, Volume 1, No. 8, Weihrer, Carol, Response to Letter to Editor to Making National Practitioner Data Bank Public, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2000

Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Newsletter, Volume 2, Nos. 8-10, Interview with Donald Mathews, M.D., (anesthesiologist) of Saint Vincent’s Hospital, New York City, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

, , Volume 2, Nos. 8-10, , Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, Nos. 9 & 11, Interview with Peter S. Sebel, M.D., (anesthesiologist) of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, Nos. 7-8, Interview with Ruth Reinsel, Ph.D. (psychopyhsiologist and cognitive psychologist) of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 7, Mathews, Donald, M.D., What Anesthesiologists Tell Anesthesiologists, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 6, Weihrer, Carol, Speaking to Anesthesia Grand Rounds At Saint Vincent’s Hospital in New York City, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 5, Fellows, Jack, Ph.D., My Life is In Your Hands: Dedicated to Anesthesiologists Everywhere, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 5, Weihrer, Carol, 5th International Conference on Memory, Awareness and Consciousness in Anesthesia, New York City, June 1-3, 2001, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, Nos. 3-4, Interview with Douglas Hornsby, Esq. (attorney with experience in anesthesia awareness cases), Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 4, Richards, Barry S. (Clinical Traumatologist), Avoid Anesthesia Awareness Aftermath: A Proactive for Wellness Following Trauma, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 4, The American Society of Anesthesiologists Decides to Open a Dialogue with This Campaign!, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 2, Anonymous, Tell-all Letter from Anesthesiologist, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 2, Interview with Rubinfeld, Roy Scott, M.D. (corneal surgeon), Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, No. 2, Interview with the Rev./Dr./Gen. Richard D. Carr (U.S.A.F., ret., Chief of Chaplains), Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

------, Newsletter, Volume 2, Nos. 2-3, Interview with Murray Keen, Patient Advocate from New Zealand, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2001

Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Newsletter, Volume 3, No. 1, Weihrer, Carol, 2001 in Review, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2002

, , Volume 3, No. 1, Weihrer, Carol, , Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2002

------, Newsletter, Volume 3, Nos. 2-4, Interview with Debbie Chambers, CRNA, President of the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2002

------, Newsletter, Volume 3, No. 3-4, Interview with Michael Wang, Ph.D. (Hull England), Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2002

------, Newsletter, Volume 3, No. 4-5, Interview with Terrence Webber, M.D., J.D., (anesthesiologist and plaintiff’s med/mal attorney), Anesthesia Awareness Campaign, Inc., Reston, Virginia, 2002

British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2004 Myles, Paul, A Large Ramdomized Study of BIS Monitoring to Prevent Awareness During Surgery: The B-Aware Trial

2004 Myles, Paul,

- -----, Myles, P, Williams, D, et al. 84: 6-10 Patient Satisfaction After Anesthesia and Surgery: results of a prospective survey of 10,811 patents

------, June 2004, 93: 482-94P. Memory and Awareness, Symposium Abstracts (held in Hull, England, June 2-4, 2004)

------, Syned, Robert, September 2004, Editorial III, Remembering Awareness

Bonke, Benne; Fitch, William, Miller, Keith (Eds.), Memory and Awareness in Anaesthesia, Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam, 1990

; Fitch, William, Miller, Keith (Eds.), , Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam, 1990


Conference Book: 5th International Conference on Memory, Awareness and Consciousness, June 1-3, 2001, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA

5 International Conference on Memory, Awareness and Consciousness, June 1-3, 2001, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA

Conference Book: 6th International Symposium on Memory, Awareness and Critial Care, June 2-4, 2001, University of Hull; Hull, England, United Kingdom

6 International Symposium on Memory, Awareness and Critial Care, June 2-4, 2001, University of Hull; Hull, England, United Kingdom

Davis, Bob, USA Today, "100 Patients a day in the US wake up during surgery, study finds," October 13, 2003

, October 13, 2003

Discovery Health Channel documentary (video): "When Anesthesia Fails," approx. 45 min., Beyond Productions, first aired in US March 2003; aired worldwide since (not available from Discovery Communications; copies available from Anesthesia Awareness Campaign for $15.00)

approx. 45 min., Beyond Productions, first aired in US March 2003; aired worldwide since (not available from Discovery Communications; copies available from Anesthesia Awareness Campaign for $15.00)

Ekman, A., Lindholm, M-L., Lennmarken, C., Sandin R., "Reduction in the Incidence of Awareness using BIS monitoring," Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2004; 48: 20-6

., Lindholm, M-L., Lennmarken, C., Sandin R.,Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2004; 48: 20-6

Freeman, S.C., Gondringer, N., Roesch, S.C., Dienstbier, R.A., Sime, W. (1996) . Facial electromyography: assessing arousal levels and pain during anesthesia. In Stuart R. Hameroff et al Toward A Science of Consciousness 1996 "Tuscon II": Vol. 3. Consciousness Research Abstracts (pp. 70-71). Tuscon: The MIT Press.

(1996) . Facial electromyography: assessing arousal levels and pain during anesthesia. In Stuart R. Hameroff et al (pp. 70-71). Tuscon: .

Ghoneim, M.M., Awareness During Anesthesia, Butterworth Heineman, 2001

, , Butterworth Heineman, 2001

Ghoneim, M.M., Awareness During Anesthesia, Anesthesiology, 92(2):597-602, 2000

, Awareness During Anesthesia, , 92(2):597-602, 2000

Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO), Sentinel Event Alert #32, October 6, 2004,

Sentinel Event Alert #32, October 6, 2004,

Jordan C., D.J.A. Vaughn, and Newton (Eds.), Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia IV, London Imperial College Press


Liptak, Adam, "Critics Say Execution Drug May Hide Suffering," New York Times, October 7, 2003, p.1, 14, 18.

"Critics Say Execution Drug May Hide Suffering," , October 7, 2003, p.1, 14, 18.

Matsakis, Aphordite, Ph.D., I Can’t Get Over It: A Handbook for Trauma Survivors, New Harbor Publications, Inc, Second Edition, 2996

, New Harbor Publications, Inc, Second Edition, 2996

Morgan, Edward; Mikhail, Maged; Murray, Michael; Larson, Philip, Clinical Anesthesiology, Third Edition, Lange Medical Books, McGraw Hill, 2002

, Third Edition, Lange Medical Books, McGraw Hill, 2002

Myles, PS, Leslie K, McNeil, J, et al. A randomised trial of BIS monitoring to prevent awareness during anaesthesia: The B-aware Trial. The Lancet, June 2004.

A randomised trial of BIS monitoring to prevent awareness during anaesthesia: The B-aware Trial. The Lancet, June 2004.

Myles, PS, , Symons J.A., Leslie K.: Anesthetists’ Attitudes towards Awareness and Depth of Anestheis Monitoring, Anesthesia 58:11-16, 2003

Symons J.A., Leslie K.: Anesthetists’ Attitudes towards Awareness and Depth of Anestheis Monitoring, Anesthesia 58:11-16, 2003

Osterman, Janet E. and van der Kolk, Bessel A., Awareness during anesthesia and post-traumatic stress disorder. General Hospital Psychiatry. October 1998. 20(5): 267-334.

and van der Kolk, Bessel A., . . October 1998. 20(5): 267-334.

Palmer, Michael, M.D., Flashback (fiction), 1983, Bantam Books

, (fiction), 1983, Bantam Books

Pettus, Mark C., M.D.,The Savvy Patient: The Ultimate Advocate for Quality Health Care, Capital Books, Inc., 2004, 340 pp.

The Savvy Patient: The Ultimate Advocate for Quality Health Care, Capital Books, Inc., 2004, 340 pp.Planck, N., "What’s Up, Doc?" Time International, 150:45, April 27, 1998

Rosenbloom, Dena, Ph.D. and Williams, Mary Beth, Ph.D., Life After Trauma: A Workbook for Healing, The Guilford Press, New York, 1999

Schiraldi, Glenn R., Ph.D., The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook: A Guide to Healing, Recovery. and Growth, Lowell House, Los Angeles, CA, 2000

"What’s Up, Doc?" , 150:45, April 27, 1998, , The Guilford Press, New York, 1999 , The Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Sourcebook: A Guide to Healing, Recovery. and Growth, , Los Angeles, CA, 2000

Sebel, Peter S., Bonke, B., and Winegrad, E., (Eds.), Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

., Bonke, B., and Winegrad, E., (Eds.), , Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ

Sebel, Peter S, Bowdle TA, Ghoneim MM, Rampil IJ, Padilla RE, Gan TJ, Domino KB. The Incidence of Awareness During Anesthesia: A Multicenter United States Study. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2004; 99 (3): 833-839.

Bowdle TA, Ghoneim MM, Rampil IJ, Padilla RE, Gan TJ, Domino KB. The Incidence of Awareness During Anesthesia: A Multicenter United States Study. Anesthesia & Analgesia 2004; 99 (3): 833-839.

Shapiro, Francine, Ph.D., and Forrest, Margot Silk, EMDR, Eye Movement Densesitization & Reprocessing: The Breakthrough "Eye Movement" Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma, Perseus Books Groups, 1997

, EMDR, Eye Movement Densesitization & Reprocessing: The Breakthrough "Eye Movement" Therapy for Overcoming Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma, , 1997

Sonner, JM, Antogmini, JF, Dutton, RC, et al, (2003). Inhaled anesthetics and immobility: mechanism, mysteries, and minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2003;97 (3):718-40.

(2003). Inhaled anesthetics and immobility: mechanism, mysteries, and minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration. , 2003; (3):718-40.

Sweeney, Frank, M.D., The Anesthesia Fact Book: Everything You Need to Know Before Surgery, Perseus Publishing, 2003

, The Anesthesia Fact Book: Everything You Need to Know Before Surgery, , 2003

van der Kolk, Bessel A. and Osterman, Janet E., (2000) "The effects of trauma in memory: Implications for awareness under anesthesia." In C. Jordan, D.J.A. Vaughn, and Newton (Eds.), Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia IV, London Imperial College Press

and Osterman, Janet E., (2000) In C. Jordan, D.J.A. Vaughn, and Newton (Eds.),

van der Kolk, Bessel A., Hopper, J.W., and Osterman, Janet E., Exploring the nature of traumatic memory: Bridging clinical knowledge and laboratory method. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma. Spring (2000)

, Hopper, J.W., and Osterman, Janet E.,. . Spring (2000)

Veselis, R.A., Reinsel, R.A., et al, (2001). Drug-induced amnesia is a separate phenomenon from sedation: electrophysiologic evidence.". Anesthesiology 95(4): 896-907.

(2001). Drug-induced amnesia is a separate phenomenon from sedation: electrophysiologic evidence.". (4): 896-907.

Veselis, R.A., Reinsel, R.A., et al, (1997). The comparative amnestic effects of midazolam, propofol, thiopental, and fentanyl at equisedative concentrations. Anesthesiology 87(4): 749-64.

(1997). The comparative amnestic effects of midazolam, propofol, thiopental, and fentanyl at equisedative concentrations. (4): 749-64.

Wang, Michael, (2000), The psychological consequences of awareness during surgery. In C. Jordan, D.J.A. Vaughn, and Newton (Eds.), Memory and Awareness in Anesthesia IV, London Imperial College Press, (2000), The psychological consequences of awareness during surgery. In C. Jordan, D.J.A. Vaughn, and Newton (Eds.), , London Imperial College Press

West, Rebecca, Perioperative Care, 1998.

Perioperative Care, 1998.

Perioperative Care, 1998.
  1. Sebel, P.S., Bowdle, T.A., et al., "The Incidence of Awareness During Anesthesia: A Multicenter United States Study," Anesth Analg, 2004; 99:833-9.

  2. Lennmarken, C., Sandin, R., "Neuromonitoring for Awareness During Surgery," Lancet, 2004; 363:1747-8.

  3. Osterman, J.E., Hopper, J., et al., "Awareness Under Anesthesia and the Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder," General Hospital Psychiatry, 2001; 23:198-204.

  4. Ghoneim, M.M., "Awareness During Anesthesia," Anesthesiology, 2000; 92(2):597-602.

Ekman, A., Lindholm, M-L., et al., "Reduction in the Incidence of Awareness Using BIS Monitoring," Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2004; 48:20-6.

Myles, P.S., Leslie, K., et al., "Bispectral Index Monitoring to Prevent Awareness During Anaesthesia: The B-Aware Randomised Controlled Trial," Lancet, 2004; 363:1757-63.

Spitellie, P.H., Holmes, M.A., et al., "Awareness During Anesthesia," Anesthesiology Clinics of North America, 2002; 20:555-70.

Liska, J.M., "Silenced Screams: Surviving Anesthetic Awareness During Surgery: A True-Life Account," AANA Publishing, Inc., Council for Public Interest in Anesthesia; 2002.

  1. Sebel, P.S., Bowdle, T.A., et al., "The Incidence of Awareness During Anesthesia: A Multicenter United States Study," Anesth Analg, 2004; 99:833-9.

  2. Lennmarken, C., Sandin, R., "Neuromonitoring for Awareness During Surgery," Lancet, 2004; 363:1747-8.

  3. Osterman, J.E., Hopper, J., et al., "Awareness Under Anesthesia and the Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder," General Hospital Psychiatry, 2001; 23:198-204.

  4. Ghoneim, M.M., "Awareness During Anesthesia," Anesthesiology, 2000; 92(2):597-602.

Ekman, A., Lindholm, M-L., et al., "Reduction in the Incidence of Awareness Using BIS Monitoring," Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 2004; 48:20-6.

Myles, P.S., Leslie, K., et al., "Bispectral Index Monitoring to Prevent Awareness During Anaesthesia: The B-Aware Randomised Controlled Trial," Lancet, 2004; 363:1757-63.

Spitellie, P.H., Holmes, M.A., et al., "Awareness During Anesthesia," Anesthesiology Clinics of North America, 2002; 20:555-70.

Liska, J.M., "Silenced Screams: Surviving Anesthetic Awareness During Surgery: A True-Life Account," AANA Publishing, Inc., Council for Public Interest in Anesthesia; 2002.